Petah Mwariga

Petah Mwariga is a native to East Africa. He was born and raised in Nairobi Kenya. At age 19, he moved to Alberta Canada to attend school at Red Deer College. During the summer, he took advantage of paid college internship opportunities that were located both in the provinces of Montreal and Alberta. These internships would provide Peter with highly valuable marketable skill sets to further advance his career and overall level of professionalism after college.
After his tenure at Red Deer College, Petah moved to Vancouver Canada. He began his career in the telecommunications field with the Fortune 100 Company AT&T as a key member of their Canadian outside sales team division.
Shortly afterwards, he was quickly moved into AT&T’s newly formed Global Dealer Partner program wherein he successfully flourished for 3 years. Directly afterward, Peter decided to take a leap of faith in 2004 and start his own dealership under the umbrella of Teleconnect Solutions Group (TSG). TSG was very unique to the marketplace at the time because it was the first in Canada to work with all large scale telecommunication providers in the market such as Bell Canada, Sprint Canada, Telus, and AT&T. Over the course of 15 years, the telecom business experienced rapid expansion and technological advancements. This furthered TSG’s commitment to grow & adapt aggressively within this market space. TSG is now a partner with Dell Technologies, the largest technology company in the world. TSG & Dell presently hold a mutually beneficial relationship with each other. They both share data center consultants that are all trained in Dell technologies. Petah is also actively working on a very important project that is devoted to solving several complex challenges in the arena of youth unemployment, low tax base, and government corruption. His goal is to work with developing countries through technologies that utilize 2 sided platforms and block chain solutions. He believes that the youth are unquestionably our future. Petah believes individuals that hold positions of strength and valuable experience should take the responsibility in making sure that the next generation is provided with all of the tools and opportunities that are needed for them to achieve their success. He believes that youth that live without a plan and purpose are a danger to themselves as well as their communities at large. Finding creative and effective solutions to develop the youth are imperative for their overall well-being and the future of societies that they will live in.
Petah’s goal is to work with like-minded individuals and organizations such as Youth of Africa Career Development, Inc to develop systems with African customized solutions. Petah feels that these collaborations are essential in solving complex problems for Africa at large and the continent’s most valuable resource, its youth.
In 2014, Petah was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer. After receiving a combination of aggressive medical treatment and needed love and support from his family and friends, he is a cancer survivor! He counts each day as a blessing to be healthy to make the most of his life and to impact the lives of others by encouraging them to never give up the fight. He credits his survival to his best friend; none other than his wife Robin whom he identifies both as his rock and his love. She insisted that he seek out medical assistance despite his resistance in doing so. Her tenacity and fight proved to be a lifesaver for him. In Petah’s spare time, he loves to travel the world and spend time with family and friends. His life long passion for helping people is what motivated him to pursue his certification from the Coaches Training Institute (CTI). This has placed him in a position to become a Certified Life Coach. His other interests include the following of all sports, staying up to date on the news and staying physically fit several time a week at the gym. A few of his favorite books are Outliers by Maxwell Gladwell and Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins.
Volunteer Program
The intent of this program is to serve as an internship training ground for last year students to figure out in a practical fashion if the career that they are desiring to further pursue is an appropriate fit for them long term.

Mentor Program
We are always seeking entrepreneurs, leaders & professionals to serve as mentors for our youth. Professional mentors are needed to expose them to real life workplace settings. So they can make